Ziphira Vashan

Expeditionary Field Medic || Fledgling Mage


A young, vivacious Viera with a keen eye. A highly skilled field chirurgeon, quick to jump into action to save a life. She is bright and cheerful, and always seeks to make a friend. Down to earth, she is eager to learn about new people and cultures. A tad naïve at times, but always well-intentioned.Ziphira enjoys traveling. Though she usually travels alone, she may be convinced to go on an adventure with someone if it's exciting enough!Currently under the employ of Chachapaco Yuyupaco of the Explorer's League.((Ziphira has undergone a fantasia for a face change that I think suits her a little better.))
Base of Operations, a public museum located in Ishgard:
Mateus - Empyreum W4P8


Ziphira carries about her a myriad of odds and ends; anywhere from medicinal herbs, potions, medical equipment, to simple bandages. She is always prepared to lend a helping hand!

IC Hooks

Come on up for a chat! Usually the awkward wallflower, or found dragging one of her coworkers out of mischief.Need a chirurgeon? Call for Ziphira!KEY ITEMS:
Ziphira wears a hair clip of preserved purple and blue flowers at all times, as well as a necklace with a black scale pendant (even if the current armor option doesn't show necklaces, ICly it is still there).
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Berke Ejinn.OOC
Big WIP, still very new to FFXIV, but I've been RPing for 10+ years.
Face Claim: Dakota Johnson